Climate change and the environment is not just about world leaders creating a global plan to stop climate change and reduce emissions. We can all participate in protecting our environment.
We can all start by reducing the amount of energy we use in our home, our cars or where ever we go. This will have a significant affect on overall emissions. Also the less energy we use the less money we spend. If we all do it together it will make a collective difference on a global scale. So here where we can start.
At home
- Use energy-saving light bulbs. They cost more, but you will save money in the long run.
- When you put on the kettle only boil what you need.
- Turn lights off when you are not using them and switch off appliances you are not using.
- Recycle-recycle-recycle.
- If you live in a sunny part of the world, consider installing solar panels to your home.
- Turn your thermostat down by just 3 degrees and save 10% on your energy bills.
- Make sure your home is fully insulated.
- Use cold or lukewarm water when washing clothes.
- Fill dishwashers and washing machines so they are full.
- Always consider walking. It’s good for you and good for the environment!
In stores
- Bring your own reusable bags
- Try food that is locally grown so transportation is reduced
- Eat less meat. Did you know livestock is a major source of greenhouse gases?
- Eat organic food. It is farmed less intensively and generally uses less energy to produce.
We need to preserve water and be conscious of its use.
- Shower instead of having a bath
- Don’t leave taps running
- Use washing machines and dishwashers only when they are full
- Watch the use of water in the garden.
- Water your garden in the morning so the water is fully absorbed into the ground instead of evaporating in hot temperatures.
- These are just a few simple steps you can take o make an impact and to contribute to saving our planet.
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