We need to find simple tips to help us reduce, recycle and reuse given that Americans dispose of more than 700 billion pounds of paper, glass, plastic, wood, food, metal, clothing, electronics and other refuse every year!
It may seem an impossible task get rid of these waste amounts of waste, but there are ways we can all make a difference every day.
So what can we all do?
* Bring your own bag to the grocery store, reuse all your bags and containers. Make sure you keep a supply of bags, or use a canvas tote for your shopping.
* Use concentrated detergent, because concentrated products very often require less packaging and contains 74 % less water than regular detergent.
* Always reuse. Use reusable products, sponges or dishcloths instead of lots of paper towel.
* Rechargeable batteries and recycle old batteries. This will help reduce waste and keep those toxic metals out of the environment.
* Buy smart long-lasting, energy-saving appliances. Look for the Energy Star label and choose electronic equipment with good warranties.
* Try and reeuse scrap paper and envelopes. Save things like ribbons, tissue paper, gift boxes, wrapping paper, cardboard boxes, colored paper, egg cartons for arts and crafts projects.
* Donate clothing to charity organizations or sell your old items. It’s a great way to combat disposable fashion!
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