Green living is no longer a term only used by environmentalists. Many of use are now trying to live a “greener” life. There are environmentally friendly products everywhere. A greener life can achieved by most of us by just choosing and opting for different products and thinking about how we can make our environment at home and at work greener.
If you live in a rural community, it is much easier to live a more environmentally sustainable life. In cities it is harder and a bigger challenge, however there are many people that are committed to living a more environmentally sustainable life in the big cities as well.
One of the major threats to making urban centres environmentally friendly is excessive urban development itself. Rather than large scale urban development, we need to encourage the development of communities that can house more people in affordable well built attractive looking homes, not huge ugly high rise buildings.
The fundamental focus has to be on changing where we live to improve our quality of life and most importantly changing our mindset. The quality of life is often defined by how environment, it affect our emotions deeply. If we are happy in our environment as humans we are generally more content. Making it easier to live a sustainable lifestyle and being committed to it and enjoying green living, can have a very positive impact on our environment.
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